Preschool for Two’s
Two Year Old's Preschool Program at the Margaux School
Ages: 2-3 (must be 2 by Sept. 1)
- Five day: 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Five day: 8:30 – 12:15 p.m.
Staff to child ratio: 1:6
Program Description
Two-year-olds are gaining independence and building skills across developmental domains. Classrooms for the Two’s offer children many ways to express themselves socially, emotionally, conceptually, and physically. It is a language-rich space that offers an atmosphere of understanding, respect, and support.
Children are encouraged to become functioning and contributing members of the classroom community. They also should fully explore the classroom. Everything in the environment is proportionate to their size and is designed to be safe and aesthetically pleasing – appealing to a child’s growing curiosity, wonder and competence.
The classroom offers materials that encourage social, language, literacy, mathematical, and physical development.
Our social and physical environments are viewed as another teacher. Teachers design classroom spaces with intentionality to cultivate learning and relationships. These environments play a significant and powerful role in children’s development.
Class activities include art, reading, science exploration, dramatic theater, and more. Circle time is also incorporated daily.
Learning is assessed, extended and deepened through the interpretation of observational data (photographs, transcriptions of conversations, and artifacts that represent children’s understandings and feelings).
* Students are not required to be potty trained.