A high-quality daycare program like the one at The Margaux School has many benefits for toddlers and their families. Here are a few of the advantages that will serve toddlers in preschool, kindergarten, and beyond.
Learning Social Skills for South Miami Toddlers
Toddlers who attend a licensed daycare center like The Margaux School have daily opportunities to interact with their peers, as well as the teachers and other school staff. Through these interactions, children in South Miami and neighboring communities like Pinecrest and Coconut Grove learn appropriate ways to express themselves.
Toddlers in daycare can practice politeness and patience. They learn how to respond to the emotions and needs of their peers. They also discover how to express their own emotions in a clear, socially acceptable manner.
Building Better Vocabularies in Coral Gables
Toddlers generally start speaking at home. Interacting with others outside the home can expose toddlers to even more new vocabulary.
A structured daycare program like the carefully designed daycare experience at The Margaux School enriches toddlers’ vocabularies, preparing them well for elementary school. It also gives them the foundation for long-term academic achievement.
Acclimating Pinecrest Toddlers to Structure & Schedule
All families have some routines and structure. Often, though, a toddler’s routine accommodates them specifically. When children reach kindergarten and beyond, they need to be able to follow more standard routines.
The structure of The Margaux School’s daycare program is age-appropriate, so toddlers can grow into the routine and schedule. This daycare experience gets toddlers used to the type of structure and schedule they will encounter in the classroom in a few short years.
Connecting with Other Coconut Grove Families
One of the biggest benefits of daycare for families in Coconut Grove and surrounding cities is the chance to connect with other families in the area. Toddlers can find playmates among their fellow daycare attendees. They become more comfortable with new people and form bonds with other children their own age. This makes them more ready for the social environment of kindergarten and elementary school.
The family-friendly environment of The Margaux School’s daycare program also fosters friendships among parents. Parents can find social support at The Margaux School, connecting with families from Coconut Grove or from the nearby towns of Pinecrest, Coral Gables, and South Miami.
To learn more about the academic and social benefits of a well-designed daycare program like the one at The Margaux School, please give us a call or stop in for a visit.